

Phone (Phonetics)

A phone is a distinct speech sound. An allophone is a term used to describe the group of phones represented by a single phoneme within a particular language.


Phone. Allophone. Abstract sound stored in our memory. Concrete phonetic segments. The ... distribution, they may be considered as allophones of one phoneme.

ELI5 — phone v. phoneme v. allophone

2019年9月21日 — - Allophones are variations of phonemes. So, they are set of possible spoken sounds used to pronounce one single phoneme. e.g. [pʰ] (as in pin) ...

Phoneme and allophone

2024年3月12日 — A phoneme is a set of allophones or individual non-contrastive speech segments. Allophones are sounds, whilst a phoneme is a set of such sounds.


An allophone is the set of phones contained in the intersection of a maximal set of phonetically similar phones and a primary phonetically related set of phones ...


A phoneme is the smallest sound unit that distinguishes meaning, while a phone is the actual sound. Allophones are variations in pronouncing a phoneme. The ...

Phonetics. Phonology. Phoneme. Phone. Allophone.

It is its standard allophone which has all characteristics of the phoneme [d]. It is called “principle allophone”. In other cases the phoneme [d] can be ...


2020年1月9日 — Allophones are different ways to pronounce the same phoneme while keeping the same meaning. Sometimes allophones are predictable depending on ...